Other services from ITeC

Issuing DAU/ETEs in other languages

  • Issuing ITeC DAU andETA documents in the languages requested by the manufacturer, given that certain countries require the manufacturer to provide certifying documentation of the product (ETE, CE certificates, etc.) in their official language.
  • Translation into Spanish of an ETA document drawn up by a third institute, by virtue of the agreements maintained with different EOTA institutes.

Reproduction of DAU/ETAs to third parties

  • In accordance with the criteria of Regulation 305/2011, a manufacturer who is an ETA holder may transfer it to other companies (ETA reproduction).
  • Reproduction of DAU/ETAs and CE certificates CE under the name of other companies, on the request of the holder company.

Identification of regulatory requirements in other countries

  • Identification of the regulatory requirements applied to a product in one or more specific country/ies.
  • Assessment of the requirement and inclusion in the ETA.

Advice on the application of the 305/2011 Regulation

  • Identification of the responsibilities and obligations of the agents involved: manufacturer, importer, authorised agent, installers, etc.
  • Identification of the process followed for the CE marking of a construction product.
  • Enquiries about European regulations for specific areas: environmental regulation, VOCs, dangerous substances, Eurocodes, etc.
  • Preparation for the product Performance Declaration and CE Marking.
  • Others