Maintenance towards circularity. Phase of use

Mantenim circular

The construction sector has one of the worst results in terms of carbon footprint, representing 25% of greenhouse gas emissions and generating more than 850 million metric tons of waste each year in Europe.​

​Also, raw materials are finite. The scarcity of resources and the increase in demand for these raw materials are exacerbating the environmental impact associated with their extraction, which leads to greater energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and is one of the main reasons to advance towards a more circular economy.​

​MANTENIM CIRCULAR aims to extend the useful life of products by providing technicians with knowledge about their potential value. By knowing the % of circularity that is being lost during the use of buildings, actions can be taken to promote reuse, preparation for reuse, maintenance and repair of products and other ways to extend useful life of the products and their components, thus contributing to the reduction of construction waste through their use as resources.

Project coordinator: ITeC
Funding framework: Ajuts pel Foment de l’Economia ​Circular 2018 de l’Agencia de Residus de Catalunya
Budget: 86.651,00 €
Period: From 28/10/2021 to 28/10/2023

With the support of Agència de Residus de Catalunya

Agència de Residus de Catalunya​


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